Game Gain 3 adalah tool Untuk mempercepat Kinerja komputer saat bermain game Coba deh Gan
Ane juga make alhamdulilah PC ane jadi Semakin Stabil Saat Bermain Game
- Compatible with Microsoft Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP & Windows Server 2012, 2008, 2003. 32-BIT/64-BIT ready.
- Optimizes your computer hardware to allow the latest games to run faster with the highest graphic settings possible.
- Decreases the amount of lag and screen pop-in you get playing games that require large map files to load during game play.
- Increase the frames per second that is displayed allowing games to play much smoother and increase your enjoyment of these games.
- Advanced software based over-clocking feature which enhances memory speed, CPU prioritization of full screen applications, making games run faster.
- Changes are made to the Windows system directly not patches to game files; this prevents anti-cheat systems from accusing you of game modification.
- New and improved modern user interface, easy and intuitive to use and compliant with Windows user interface guidelines.
- Software updates can be downloaded and installed directly from inside the application without having to visit our web site.
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Name: vario chy
Serial: 601L382C1N20130916744WINXPROMO1186976956188
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